Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Post Marathon - My tingling toe

I took a short short run come post marathon day. My whole exoskeleton seemed to be coming loose at certain points - my right heel, my left knee, tingling on my left hamstring and calf left sole. I only had my left foot experience some tingling after running at a higher pace after 20k or running more than 30k.

Hoping it wasn't something permanent, I took it easy for the whole week. I logged in a grand total of.....6 km for the whole week, the least since I started logging my runs in Oct 2008!

After a whole week of laying back and itching to get back into the run, I went for a short 7k run on Monday evening. A few hours later the tingling feeling migrated from the sole to my 2nd toe on my left foot. It felt very....strange, as if a nerve was pinched or I fractured my toe.

Anyway, come morning and a good night's rest, presto, and the feeling was gone.

I did another run today, about 10k with some breaks in between. The tingly feeling can still be felt, but at a very much lower magnitude.

I read somewhere that 1 of the possible root causes were tight hamstrings or calves. Seems to me like that's the case.

Post marathon running seems to be quite enjoyable, as I feel stronger and refreshed.

Looking forward to next Sunday's run, the Siemen's run, which my whole family will be taking part.

My target....hmmmm Sub 50 min for 10k distance. Too ambitious? Depends on how I can tackle Bukit Tunku.

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