Sunday, July 12, 2009

Achilles and my ankle

Since I started running last year, my right achilles have been giving me pain off and on.

There were good days and there were bad days. On bad days, I had to hobble down the stairs until about 20-30 minutes before it improved.

Understanding that this situation probably resulted from an old injury, coupled with the shortening of the ligaments after running, I went to see a sports doc, tried using a splint.

The situation has improved, but it comes and bite me in the ....heel (what did you think?) occasionally.

Recently, I've been reading about mid foot strikes to reduce knee stress and to gain better speed. I've been feeling that the heel wants to have a say in this and it keeps saying NO!

Today, I went for my first long run after the marathon. A few hours after the 18k run and a short nap, the hurt set in...

I'll have to revert to icing it and applying NSAIDs. It may take a couple of weeks before I will see it reverting it to the old state.

Why do I say it's something to do with the change in running technique/form? Because the left heel is starting to have a slight tingle as well...

It may also be the sudden reduction in my mileage over the last 2 weeks, which may have resulted in the muscles being slightly atrophied.

There's some deformation due to bursitis, I guess, and I may need to see a specialist. But, let's see how it goes...

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