Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bootcamp in PJ

Event : Bootcamp!
Venue : PJ Astaka
Date : 20 Mar 2010
Time : 7.00am-8.00am

This is as it sounds. Literally taken out from standard military training, this is targeted in improving your overall physical strenght.

I was 'poisoned' by one of my friends who is doing his second stint. With running being pretty much a one dimensional activity, I felt like giving it a try as it may help work the other 'less utilized' muscles and may reduce the problems that I have with the legs.

As this was a free try out for members to invite friends to join, the session was less intense than what they normally do. After doing some light running and exercises for 10 minutes, we proceeded to have a 30 minutes session which included a short sprint, crawling with your butt up, crawling on your knees, short sprint and pick up either a tyre, tubes or sandbags to bring back to you starting point.

I think I did about 15-20 rounds by the end of the session, and it was a pretty good workout. They finished off the whole session with stretches and a big HOOYAH!

Overall, if you are a beginner and wish to get a more physically active lifestyle, this would be a great place to start. For seasoned athletes, it's good to get an overall workout, and working within a group serves up some good motivation. The deal is for 3 times a week, at before or after office hours times and the sign up is for the whole month. The only drawback is the fees for a month.

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