Saturday, October 3, 2009

On the Mend, with not much time left

Week 5/14 held a bit more promise in my recovery, but I eased off quite significantly. I ran 6k on Monday at a reasonable 11k/hr pace, but took Tuesday and Wednesday off. On Thursday morning, I averaged about 10.7k/hr for 6k as well.

Today, I only mustered 7.5k at about 10k/hr with 2 walk breaks. Running in the later morning didn't help with temperatures climbing.

The hip adductor and hamstring twinges had reduced over the week, but I could feel it at the beginning of the runs and there would be "gentle" reminders that the 2 areas were still under some stress.

With the 3k Ekiden relay tomorrow, I didn't want to push myself too much today. If all things went well, I should be shadowing my friend in his ironman race later tomorrow for the 21k running leg.

It should be interesting, since I've never run a 21k after 11am...

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